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PDA News

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Spoof Call your Friends - Fake Caller ID

Call Anywhere from your Computer and disguise your caller id and change your voice!
Works on any phone, anywhere! Plus you can even record your calls to listen to later.

Sign Up For 123Spoof.com Today!

Read some users funny stories:

"I had an old boyfriend who was trying to get back with me but I wasn't sure of his motives. So I called him using a local factories phone number and used a mans voice and said I was interested in taking private music lessons from him. My spoof and him had so much in common that our conversation went off the subject of music to relationships and women and I got him to confess to me that he was just planing on using me to get at another girl he had previously dated. Needless to say I just quit talking to him without any explanation and I hope he is still scratching his head as to why."

"I initially used the spoof card to patch up a rift between two friends. I pretended to be one of the guys calling on a "terrible, long distance phone, satellite at that" to explain why my voice didn't sound like the real McCoy! I buttered up and apologized to one of the fellows, then did the same to the other, then agreed with each to never bring up the subject or any aspect of the apology again, and so far, fingers and toes crossed, they are once again best of pals. It was a dumb argument over a dumb topic and they have been friends for over 30 years. It is a waste of their friendship to behave like little boys, so now it is fine!!!"

"I had a girlfriend who I thought was cheating on me with my best friend. I spoofed my friends number and called her. She answered saying "Hey baby I missed you." Her words answered my suspicion."

"I am A licensed Fugitive recovery agent in Virginia, I used spoof card on a fugitive from justice, I called him using his mothers number and told him I was at his mothers house. I told him that if he didn't turn himself in, his mother would go to jail for aiding and assisting a fugitive at large. 20 minutes later, I picked him up in front of his mothers home while mom was asleep inside. 20,000.00 in my pocket. great product!!!"

Street Tunes 2 Go